Eth 4 Images © HMML, Saint John's University, Collegeville (US) HMML, Saint John's University, Collegeville (US)

The manuscript NALE 28 (olim NALE 266 and NALE A.5) of the National Library of Ethiopia is one of the oldest illuminated Gospel book. Copied in the first half of the fourteenth century C.E., this codex came from the monastery of Dabra Ḥayq Esṭifānos. Specialists generally assume that this copy was the property of Krestos Tasfāna, third abbot of the Dabra Ḥayq Esṭifānos monastery, hence the name Tetravangelion of Krestos Tasfāna under which this manuscript is usually referred to. Mark 16:1-20 appears on f. 168v-170r, including the conclusio brevior (f. 169r). Damien Labadie (CNRS) © SNSF Project MARK16 CC BY 4.0