From the Chester Beattly Library online catalogue: “Harklean Gospels written in Syriac on parchment in Estrangela script by the scribe Isho’bar Romanos, completed in 1177 at the Church of the Holy Mother (Deipara Maria) situated near Tella d’Arsinos (modern Turkey). It was commissioned by the scribe’s uncle, Rabban Ahron, a priest and monk in Tella. The Gospel book includes the Eusebian letter, canon tables, liturgical lessons, kephalaia (chapters), titles, colophons, and notes from the scribe. The manuscript has several dedications, autographs and dates, including a note that a man named Basil brought the parchment from Tur ‘Abdin and prepared it for use. A previous seal of ownership is found on the last folio with several notes written in Arabic” ( Mk 16 is present with the long ending and the shorter ending in a marginal note.