The London BL Or 509 is a parchment codex of the 18th century (read the BL usage statement below). It is made of 160 folia, each folio containing three columns of 23 lines. Mark 16: 1-20 appears on f. 68r-69r. The London BL Or 509 is the sole witness for the E recension of the Ge’ez Gospel of Mark, the so-called “Alexandrian Vulgate”. This recension is the result of a thorough revision of the Ge’ez text on the basis of the Arabic Textus Receptus. The Arabic Alexandrian Vulgate was first edited by Raimondi (1591). It is very likely that the Ge’ez text was directly translated from Raimondi’s printed edition. Indeed, the miniatures of the BL Or 509 shows clear influences of the woodcuts published in Raimondi’s edition. The BL Or 509 preserves the long ending of Mark (16:9-20), which is then followed by a subscription detailing the circumstances under which Mark is supposed to have written his gospel.
Damien Labadie (CNRS) © SNSF Project MARK16 CC BY 4.0 British Library Usage satement for Or. 509: https://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Or_509&index=1