arb 2 Images © Vatican Library

NT.VMR Doc ID 900002

Vat. Ar. 13

9th-12th century CE


Sara Schulthess

Sara Schulthess and Mina Monier



Vaticanus Arabicus 13 is written on parchment and contains Mt 1:1-28:11, Mk 5:19-16:8, Lk 3,31-7:11 and the fourteen Pauline letters. Vat. Ar. 13 is not a uniform manuscript. The codex is made of folios copied by different scribes from the 9th to the 12th century. The verses Mk 16:1-8 are written on folio 74v by one of the earlier hand. This last folio of the Gospel of Mark ends with Mk 16:8. Are the verses containging the rest of Mk 16 lost or has the Gospel of Mark in Vat. Ar. 13 the short ending? The question is difficult to answer, because the beginning of Luke is also missing. Further study of the Markan tradition in Arabic Gospels would be helpful for this case. © SNSF Project MARK16 Sara Schulthess CC BY 4.0